Wednesday, April 8, 2009

5 b e a u t y r e s o l u t i o n s f o r d e y d r a s d e f f i n i t i o n

Another tag! I was tagged by DeydrasDeffinition to list my top five beauty resolutions so here we go!

1. I will take better care of my hair. (hey that rhymed) As in I will use a deep conditioner especially since I now swim six days a week.

2. I will use sunblock on my face. It is recommended by dermatologists and I already bought some but I've been too lazy. :/

3. I will work on my winged eyeliner. It looks much better on me compared to a level liner but it takes so much effort for me to get both eyes even than I never do it. PRACTICE!

4. I will drink more water, I hardly drink any because I hate it but I really should.

5. I will try wearing more hairstyles to school besides just leaving it down because I'm lazy.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Thanks for doing my tag : ) Your number 3 is so so true : ) I should do that too.... But me and eyeliner.... it's just not something I feel like struggling with early in the morning.... : ) Plus, I should get better in using the eye-liner in general, and then go for the winged version : )
    Anyway, thanks again, have a great day!

    Deydra's Deffinition

    Ps. Is it just me, or you blog doesn't have the 'follow' option? : )
